=AmiJournal 1.11= November 20, 1993  Please Click Here to Begin  +--------------------------+ |: :| || ** ** .| |: ** ** .| |: | |. ***** ** | | *** ** ** | | *** ** ** .| | *** ** ** ** :| |. *** ** ****** || |: *** ** **** || || :| +--------------------------+ Alternative News Source for the Amiga Issue 1.09 (Saturday, November 20, 1993) ©1993, PXP :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Published by Planet X Productions International Toronto, Ontario *BY AMIGANS FOR AMIGANS* =AmiJournal 1.11= Main Menu // =AmiJournal 1.11= \\ The AMIGA Alternative News Source \\ 11/20/93 // ================================= © 1993, Planet X Productions Int'l and Ray J. Morrell From The Editor  The non-editorial editorial Columns (dir)  Weekly columns Reader Survey  Our LAST reader survey for now AJ Distribution Centers  Weekly distribution sites AmiJournal Information  Staff credits, information  QUIT  Issue 1.11 (Saturday, November 20, 1993) ©1993, PXP :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =AmiJournal 1.11= From The Editor's Desk .. /|J FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK ====================== NOVEMBER DRAIN... ----------------- Dreary November continues. I never liked November... it's cold, wet, miserable, and between Christmas and Hollowe'en. It's like being 17. Old enough to drive, not old enough to drink or vote. No use for 17, migth as well skip it. Worse, for an Amiga, November is just one of several months between World of Commodore in Pasadena (Sept.), and World of Commodore in Toronto (Dec.). ANY HOCKEY FANS? ---------------- This month appears to be all about hockey, however. The National Hockey League's officials have gone to strike. Also, Planet X began work on November 16 on an on-line hockey game for C-Net Amiga BBS's. And hey, the entire hockey community can relax now, the Toronto Maple Leafs are no longer on their "hot streak." Let the bad jokes and insults resume, the Leafs almost lost to San Jose for heaven's sake! ONE IMPORTANT NOTE! ------------------- Please - no more requests to become official "distribution sites" for AmiJournal. We are only able to directly distribute AmiJournal to so many BBSes. We have three sites in the U.S. and three in Canada, and they seem to cover a good portion of the market. We will add one site in New England shortly, and a site in Europe, but beyond that, we cannot make any guarantees. AmiJournal will be available via C-LINK network very shortly, unless the proposed vote is overturned (we won't know until after issue 1.14 at the earliest). Oh, and one other note, I will be going on holiday sometime in mid-December. I haven't figured out what I am going to do for AmiJournal during the two weeks I will be on the road to Vancouver, and then to California. What I will PROBABLY do is pre-write AmiJournal for each week I expect to be on holiday. I would distribute these pre-made issues to sysops of the distribution sites, with instructions not to release them until after the proper release date. Once I return, I will review my travels for the benfit of everyone... much of my holiday will be spent exploring the world of Amiga in other locales! KEEP THEM ROLLING IN -------------------- About those reader surveys: Please keep them rolling in! We are compiling the statistics in our database, and we expect to release some numbers soon. So far I can tell you that ARexx has been a popular subject in the past, and that we will be bringing back the ARexx Tips column as soon as we have some material. In our next issue, 1.12, we will feature RexxReqTools functions, and demonstrate how to incorporate text gadget requestors, and file requestors, using the RexxReqTools library. NEXT ISSUE... ------------- Other than the aforementioned ARexx Tips column returning, next issue will also be noted as it will be the last issue before the World of Commodore show here in Toronto, which we will cover descriptively in issue 1.13, and review in issue 1.14. Anyway, since we are in the here any now, enjoy this here magazine now! - The Editor (Ray Morrell) @ 911:5177/0.0 [CLINK] @ 1:229/436.1 [FIDO] Issue 1.11 (Saturday, November 20, 1993) ©1993, PXP :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =AmiJournal 1.11= Columns Menu .. /|J REGULAR COLUMNS & FEATURES ========================== Network News  News on the major networks Amiga Software Review  F-117A Stealth Fighter BBS Of The Week  The Daily Planet, Oshawa News Bytes  Other pertinent industry news [F]eedback  Main> F · C-LINK voting news · F-117A Stealth Fighter reviewed · The Daily Planet BBS · Miscellaneous news & feedback Issue 1.11 (Saturday, November 20, 1993) ©1993, PXP :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: « NETWORK NEWS » .. /|J C-LINK NEWS =========== AEROSPACE AREA GETS A "GO" -------------------------- The CLINKAEROSPACE area has passed the vote, and will be added to the C-LINK network backbone immediately. The area will cover topics related to the aerospace industry, military defence contracts, space and air-flight discussions, and hobby flying, among other things. The moderator is Disneyman of Return to Wonderland BBS in California (@911:5000/6.0). Sysops on C-LINK can request this new area from their boss node. OTHER VOTES TIGHT ----------------- The CLINKMIDI vote is quite close, and as of this time no decision can be speculated on. The MIDI echo was proposed for discussion of MIDI-related topics, and other discussions relating to computers and music. Meanwhile, strong resistance has greeted the Greatful Dead echo vote, and it looks like it will not pass. The Greatful Dead echo was proposed for discussion of topics relating to the popular band of the same name. Similarly, public response has so far been negative towards the proposed change which would make the echoes CLINKPROP and CLINKVOTE into one echo. It is widely believed that such action would cause excess confusion, and this magazine is inclined to agree. The vote to change the echo rules for CLINKFIRINGLINE is underway, and very close. The proposal allows voting sysops to decide if the echo should allow "flaming" or "profanity"; both; or neither. Also related to CLINKFIRINGLINE, a vote to ban the use of MCI codes used by C-Net. So far, this is very close, and we will not know the results until Morpheus @ 911:6000/0.0 counts the votes after the voting period ends. And it looks like individual sysops may be given the responsibility of setting age limits on who may access the CLINKFIRINGLINE echo. Another vote is underway to decide on who should set the age limits, or if they should be left at 17+ only. This vote closes on the 29th of November. Issue 1.11 (Saturday, November 20, 1993) ©1993, PXP :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: « AMIGA SOFTWARE REVIEW » .. /|J F-117A STEALTH FIGHTER ======= By: JuDGE 2oo1 ---------- TITLE: "F-117A STEALTH FIGHTER" FROM: MicroProse NOTES: High quality, HD-installable, 1Meg or more req'd, plays best from the hard drive, much faster! RATING: «« 92% »» *GOLD* Once again MicroProse has proven without a doubt they produce the highest- quality combat/strategy simulations on the market. F-117A is a blend of MicroProse's F-19, and Gunship 2000 simulations, with more of what Amigans like to see included. That means more sound effects, a wicked sound track, and very keen graphics. When you load the game, you are greeted by a somewhat lengthy, but abortable, intro sequence. The animation and sound is utopian, MicroProse has outdone themselves this time. Once you pass the standard MicroProse manual copy-protection, you are transported to the "roster" to select a pilot. The roster is reminiscent of almost every other MicroProse flight sim, but what isn't broke shouldn't be fixed. It works, and it's functional. After choosing a pilot, you can visit the Commanding Officer's office to select a locale and time period to start a campaign in. Cuba in 1995? Sure, no problem. Libya in 1986? Anything you say. A wide selection of "theatres of operation" can only add to the game. Then, go to the briefing room, and watch a 3D overhead view of your target area be painted with the target icons. As with F-19, you can view enemy radar and missile ranges, and enemy troop activity. If it looks to tough, you can decline it. Once you are briefed, you can select the weaponry for your F-117A stealth fighter, and then it's time to saddle up. The controls are very similar to F-19, and in fact the game as a whole is quite similar, except for the obvious changes to the pre-mission options, the sound, graphics, and totally redesigned mission-generation. A new feature is the 'configuration menu' - select from a wide array of input sources for perfectly-tuned flight control; change the animation frame rates; toggle between NTSC and PAL mode - all from the configuration menu. The graphics are where F-117A makes a name for itself. Like F-19, F-117A has the high-quality graphics gamers come to expect from MicroProse. With all these features, though, it's almost a disservice to play this game on a system without a hard drive. Oh yeah, and you need 1MB of RAM, and more certainly can't hurt. This game get's a 92% rating from AmiJournal. It's one of the finest flight sims on the market today. A new and improved F-19, and MicroProse never skipped a beat. If you are into combat flight sims, your game library is incomplete without F-117A. Issue 1.11 (Saturday, November 20, 1993) ©1993, PXP :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: « BBS OF THE WEEK » .. /|J THE DAILY PLANET ================ By: The Editor SYSOP: Gman LOCATION: Oshawa, Ontario (Canada) SOFTWARE: C-Net Amiga 2.63 NODE 1: (905) 436-6509 NODE 2: (905) 436-5052 NODE 3: FIDO: 1:229/436.0 Gman has done a superb job in customizing The Daily Planet to meet the needs of the users in the area he serves. Oshawa has many more IBM users than Amiga users, and Gman has modified and personalized his BBS to be friendly to both types of users. The Daily Planet features many popular online games, all neatly categorized. The most popular of which is Global-War. Gman runs both Chris Cowan's version (and it is registered), and the Paragon version, and both are unique and each has it's following. Global-War is taken so seriously on The Daily Planet, there are real live trophies for winners. This board has a huge file section, a 1.2 Gigabyte drive, among other smaller drives, holds massive numbers of Amiga and IBM files, as well as adult images and stories, programming-related files, Fred Fish disks, and many, many other categories. You really have to look at them to appreciate them. Here are two screens from The Daily Planet, captured from my own terminal: File base menu, and main menu  BBS Information & main menu  The Daily Planet is on FIDOnet, at 1:229/436.0, has 5 lines, and regularly makes use of C-Net's JoinLink feature, which allows The Daily Planet's users to chat real-time with users on another C-Net BBS system. This is a very attractive feature on a large multiline system like The Daily Planet. Nothing but thumbs up for Gman's pride and joy. When you log on to The Daily Planet, you really feel like you are home. Issue 1.11 (Saturday, November 20, 1993) ©1993, PXP :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: « NEWS BYTES » .. /|J NEWS BYTES ========== Compiled by The Editor THE WORLD'S BIGGEST BOOKSTORE GOES ONLINE! ------------------------------------------ TORONTO, ON (19-Nov-1993) - The World's Biggest Bookstore in Toronto, a chain store owned by Coles Bookstores, will revolutionize the book industry on December 1, 1993, when they go "online" as WBB BBS. The World's Biggest Bookstore plans to open The World's Biggest Bookstore Bulletin Board System, putting thousands of computer-related titles, publisher news and information, and special interest forums at users' fingertips, via modem. WBB BBS will go online on December 1, at (416) 240-8056. The bookstore has been providing bookselling services as the largest retailer of books in Canada, since November, 1980. PCBOARD v15.0 RELEASED ---------------------- MURRAY, UT - Clark Development Co., Inc., the publisher of the popular PCBoard BBS program for the IBMPC and compatibles, has release v15.0 of the PCBoard software. PCBoard is the most used, and most popular bulletin board software, despite being limited only to the, albeit large, PC market. The new PCBoard includes a 700+ page manual, "completely revised to provide more detailed and easier to find information," according to BBS Caller Digest's (Nov. '93) 'Newsline' section. "The hottest feature of v15.0 is the optional new PPLC (PCBoard Programming Language Compiler)," the news report continues. "This outstanding product lets the sysop virtually re-write the PCBoard source code to meet their specific needs." Clark Development Co., Inc. can be reached for more information at: Clark Development Company, Inc., 3950 South 700 East, Ste 303, Murray UT, 84107, or by calling 1-800-356-1686 [orders only], (801) 261-1686 (customer service), or (801) 261-8987 (facsimile). CD³² HITS THE SHORES ... SORT OF -------------------------------- The Amiga CD³² has officially hit North American shores this past week. Advertising in popular North American Amiga and console magazines by mail-order companies has begun, with each ad still specifying "Coming Soon" or "Call for latest info." Well, they've almost hit the shores. Mail-order companies are taking orders, but the units haven't actually reached the stock rooms of any North American retailers at this point, and the earliest one retailer expects to see them is after the first of the new year. Issue 1.11 (Saturday, November 20, 1993) ©1993, PXP :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: «« [F]eedback »» .. /|J READER FEEDBACK =============== ========================================================================== subj: Yo from: Vonmolk on : Tue 16-Nov-1993 0:56 Good mag i really engoy to read these.. Just wondering if you could squeeze in my bbs ad if at all possible?? i hope you can keep up the good work.. looking forward to other issues to put on my bbs over in southern california. I like your current game geopolitik.. Keep up the good work The Baron/Vonmolk.. ___/\ / \ ______ _________ \_____/_________ _______ .------\ \-----/ | \---| | |--\ \----------------. | / | \ / | \ | | | / | \ .rUnnIg On : | / _ \ / _ | _ \ | | +----| / _ \ cNet 2.63 | / | \ | | \| | | |/ | \ AmIgA, | : / | \ | | \ | +- | | \ I b M, | /_______| \__|_____| \ ___| |_______| \ & AnImE | | | ______\ |_______\ |_________|{Dream}|_______\ fiLe : | Y Y s : : [-> +1-(619)-428-4887 <-] |\___ : _____ | | . ___________ ________| |______ / / | | AmIgA 3000 & US Robotics 14.4 | | / | | |\ \/ / . | for bEst CoNnectionS | | |/ | | | \ / | | | | / | | |/\\_ _/ | . FilE aNd MessaGe AreaS foR | | / | | | / \| | | | yoUr pLeaSure. | | \ | | \ | | | cOOl InfoCoM GamEs OnlIne |___________\ | |_________\ | : :--------------------------------------------\ _|______|--------|__ __|-----| . SysOp: The Baron! CoSysOp: Huge1 Y Y : : . . ** Thanks for the good word, Vonmolk. It's good to hear that Southern California reads AmiJournal! I'm glad you like Geopolitik, look for more news and a new release before the end of this month. -Ed ========================================================================== Reminder: AmiJournal reserves the right to edit feedback and submissions for space available and for asthetics. Issue 1.11 (Saturday, November 20, 1993) ©1993, PXP :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: « READER SURVEY » .. /|J READER SURVEY ============= Please help us collect information about you, and where you found our electronic magazine by filling out this survey and mailing it to us, or e-mailing it with your information filled in, in ASCII format, to the Editor. See "AmiJournal Information" for a complete run-down on how to contact our editorial office. -------cut---------------------------------------------------------------- THIS SURVEY IS CONFIDENTIAL - ALL INFORMATION WILL BE KEPT PRIVATE, AND USED FOR STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AND MARKETING RESEARCH PURPOSES. 1> COMPUTER: What type of computer(s) do you own? [check applicable] [ ] Amiga 500/600/600HD [ ] Amiga 1000 [ ] Amiga 1200/1200HD [ ] Amiga 2000/2000HD [ ] Amiga 3000/3000T [ ] Amiga 4000 [ ] Commodore 64/128 [ ] IBM/compatible 286 [ ] IBM/compatible 386 [ ] IBM/compatible 486 [ ] IBM/compatible Pentium [ ] Apple [ ] Other 2> AmigaDOS Version: What version of AmigaDOS do you run? [check applicable] [ ] Release 1.xx [ ] Release 2.04 [ ] Release 2.1 [ ] Release 3.0x [ ] Release 3.1 3> What do you use your Amiga system for? [check applicable] [ ] Recreational (games) [ ] Business (sheets/bases) [ ] Business (faxes/docs) [ ] Word processing [ ] Desktop Publishing [ ] On-line use [ ] BBS system operator [ ] Graphics (morphing/toasters/etc) [ ] Sound (mods/demos/etc) [ ] Programming/Development [ ] OTHER:________________ 4> Do you regularly use/support software that is illegally copied, cracked or distributed? (Remember, this is confidential!) [check one] [ ] NO [ ] YES 5> What features in this issue did you like the MOST? [check applicable] [ ] The Editor's Desk [ ] Net News [ ] Amiga Software Review [ ] News Bytes [ ] Feedback 6> What features in this issue did you like the LEAST? [check applicable] [ ] The Editor's Desk [ ] Net News [ ] Amiga Software Review [ ] News Bytes [ ] Feedback 7> What would you like to see MORE of in AmiJournal? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 8> What would you like to see LESS of in AmiJournal? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 9> Where do you normally get AmiJournal from? [check one of each list] HOW: [ ] Download [ ] C-LINK File Request FROM: [ ] Planet X BBS [ ] Daily Planet BBS [ ] FutureWorld BBS [ ] FREESPACE:Negative BBS [ ] Ground Zero BBS [ ] AmiConnection BBS [ ] Other:_________________ -------cut---------------------------------------------------------------- Issue 1.11 (Saturday, November 20. 1993) ©1993, PXP :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =AmiJournal 1.11= Direct Distribution Sites .. /|J DIRECT DISTRIBUTION SITES ========================= Each Saturday, the latest issue of AmiJournal can be found on the following BBSes which we distribute to directly (either by uploading the magazine there, or by NetMailing the magazine to the site): | Canada | Planet X ................................... Toronto, ON The Daily Planet ........................... Oshawa, ON FREESPACE: Negative ........................ Leamington, ON | United States | Amiga Connection ........................... Paramount, CA FutureWorld! ............................... Canton, MI Ground Zero ................................ Port Richey, FL Issue 1.11 (Saturday, November 20, 1993) ©1993, PXP :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CANADA/Planet X Planet X BBS Toronto, Ontario Sysop: Ray Morrell (The Editor) Node 1: (416)/324-9439 v.32bis Node 2: [December '93] HST Node 3: [December '93] 2400 [] Amiga 2000HD [] G-Force '030/40Mhz [] 240MB storage [] C-LINK TORONTO HOST: 911:5177/0.0 FIDONET: 1:229/436.1 InfoNET CO-ORDINATOR: 411:1000/0.0 FREQ: File REQuest as "JOURNAL" *AmiJournal is located in the "Amiga PD/AmiJournal" file area. CANADA/The Daily Planet The Daily Planet Oshawa, Ontario Sysop: Michael Moon (Gman) Node 1: (905)/436-6509 2400+ Node 2: (905)/436-5052 2400 (There's more nodes, so call for info) [] Amiga multi-line system [] 1.5 Gigabytes storage [] CD-ROMS [] FIDONET: 1:229/436.0 *AmiJournal is located in the "Text Files/Magazines" file area. CANADA/FREESPACE: Negative FREESPACE: Negative Leamington, Ontario Sysop: Electropig Node 1: (519)/322-0450 DUAL [] Amiga 2000 [] Off-line Storage [] C-LINK: 911:5178/5.0 *AmiJournal is located in the file area. Ask sysop for specifics. USA/AmiConnection Amiga Connection Paramount, California Sysop: Warren Peace Node 1: (310)/634-8759 DUAL Node 2: (310)/633-5002 2400 (There's more nodes, so call for info) [] Massive Amiga multi-line system [] Storage, storage, and more storage [] C-LINK WEST COAST CO-ORD: 911:5000/0.0 *AmiJournal is located in the "Documentation" file area. USA/FutureWorld! FutureWorld! Canton, Michigan Sysop: Big Brother Node 1: (313)/255-2466 v.32bis Node 2: (313)/255-2465 v.32 Node 3: (313)/255-2464 HST [] Home of CNet Amiga! [] Multi-line support/news BBS [] C-LINK: 911:7000/0.0 *AmiJournal is located in the "Amiga Telecommunication" file area. USA/Ground Zero Ground Zero New Port Richey, FL Sysop: Blue Thunder Node 1: (813)/849-4034 C-LINK: 911:6000/0.0 *Ask sysop where to locate AmiJournal on this system. =AmiJournal 1.11= Credits & Information .. /|J STAFF CREDITS ============= Publisher/Distributor PLANET X PRODUCTIONS INT'L Editor & Researcher RAY MORRELL (THE EDITOR) Special Thanks To JuDGE 2oo1, ALL OUR READERS .. /|J SUBMISSION INFORMATION ====================== All submissions become the property of AmiJournal, except as exclusively agreed to otherwise between AmiJournal and the author. Submissions should be written in ASCII format, without control codes, and the right margin should be set to 75 characters for best results. Submissions should include the name or handle or the author. Articles not related to computing, or to BBSing, or articles with political, religious or partisan undertones, will not be considered. .. /|J HOW TO REACH AmiJournal ======================= Contributions, feedback, comments, and whatever are more than welcome. Here's how you can get them to us: BY MAIL: -------- You can mail comments, contributions, PD demos for reviewing, or whatever you feel we should have, to our editorial office and HQ at: AmiJournal Electronic Magazine c/o Ray J. Morrell, Editor/Publisher 45 Salisbury Ave. Toronto, Ontario M4X 1C5 CANADA VIA NETMAIL: ------------ If you are a C-LINK sysop, or have access to a BBS on C-LINK, or you have access to FIDO-net, you can NetMail us either at: C-LINK: > The Editor @ 911:5177/0.0 Or: FIDO: > Ray Morrell @ 1:229/436.0 ON FUTUREWORLD BBS: ------------------- My handle is (you guessed it) "The Editor" on FutureWorld BBS, the support BBS for CNet Amiga BBS software. ON PLANET X BBS: ---------------- Our home BBS is Planet X BBS in the heart of Toronto, Ontario. You can leave [F]eedback for the sysop if you want to make a comment or contribution to AmiJournal, but please specify that your feedback concerns "AmiJournal" in the title. The latest issue is always available from Planet X BBS in our file area, "Amiga PD/AmiJournal", or via a C-LINK file request (FREQ). The FREQ magic-name for AmiJournal is "JOURNAL" and there is no password. Issue 1.11 (Saturday, November 20, 1993) ©1993, PXP ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::